Emerging infectious diseases in a shifting climate
Institut Pasteur, October 16-18 2024


The official language of the conference is English.

Online registration

Your registration fee includes : cost for admission to the scientific sessions, PDF abstract book and lunch in compliance with health restriction measures


Please email your registration queries to and allow 48 hours for a response from registration staff.


Scientists coming from low-and-middle income countries

The IBEID 2024 Conference is committed to foster global collaboration and inclusivity in the field of Emerging Infectious Diseases research. To facilitate the participation of laboratories from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), the organizing committee proposed a fair price to the Conference registration. Applicants must submit a letter of support from their institution


Student price

To encourage young scientist to participate to the IBEID 2024 Conference, the registration fees are reduced for students. To register with a student price, applicants must submit a copy of their student cards, and a valid academic email address.


IBEID 2024 Travel grants

Join us at the IBEID 2024 Conference as we strive to make scientific knowledge accessible and collaborative across borders!

To encourage young scientist from LMICs to participate to the IBEID 2024 Conference, the organizing committee with the support of our sponsors is pleased to announce the availability of Travel Grants. These grants are dedicated to young scientist currently with an academic PhD student or post-doctoral position. The grants will cover a round trip flight airfare, three nights' accommodation in a 3-star hotel in the vibrant city of Paris, and registration to the conference. 

To be considered for these grants, follow the indicated steps on the abstract submission page. Applicants must submit a copy of their ID, a letter of motivation, and a letter of support from their institution. Please note that travel grants will be assigned after the abstract selection process uniquely to researchers whose abstract has been accepted either for an oral or poster presentation. Find the complete list of eligible LMICs here.



plateforme dédiée aux manifestations
Tel. : 01 84 17 20 55 / 06 89 19 34 06
E-mail :
La première plateforme Française de gestion de manifestations regroupant la billeterie, la gestion des hébergements, une boutique en ligne, la gestion des surfaces d'exposition et la gestion complète du programme scientifique.
Organisation de Congrès, manifestations, Séminiaires, Colloques